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Search for returned 13462 matches:

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  • 7
Schlaufensteuerung in Etikettendruckmaschine
Durchmesserprüfung bei Folienextruder
Kontrolle Füllstand Granulat
Label auf Ampullen prüfen
Vollständigkeit Pipetten in Tray
Anwesenheit Folie auf Probengefäß kontrollieren
Kontrolle Schraubdeckel auf Tubes
Lineare Positionierung von Pipettierern
Positionskontrolle Laborgefäße
Messung der Auslegerhöhe an Sprühern
Positionierung einer Hebebühne
Anwesenheitskontrolle O-Ring
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  • 7
Optical label sensors
Description: OGUTI optical label sensors are the economical solution for detecting paper labels. They boast extremely high dispensing precision and reproducibility, making maximum bel…
Color sensors
Description: The FS-10 color sensor is suited for narrow installation space conditions. With the teach-in key, a color channel can be learned intuitively and saved in the sensor. With…
Color sensors
Description: The FS-50 color sensor with a fiber optic connection or fixed optics can store up to 15 colors. Colors and tolerances are learned via a keypad with Multiteach. Some varia…
Color sensors
Description: The FS-50 color sensor with a fiber optic connection or fixed optics can store up to 15 colors. Colors and tolerances are learned via a keypad with Multiteach. Some varia…
Color sensors
Description: The FS-50 color sensor with a fiber optic connection or fixed optics can store up to 15 colors. Colors and tolerances are learned via a keypad with Multiteach. Some varia…
Color sensors
Description: The FS-50 color sensor with a fiber optic connection or fixed optics can store up to 15 colors. Colors and tolerances are learned via a keypad with Multiteach. Some varia…
Color sensors
Description: The FS-100 color sensor distinguishes many colors, and up to 100 colors can be saved. It is operated either by keys or software. Variants with Ethernet and PROFIBUS enabl…
Description: The FS-100 color sensor distinguishes many colors, and up to 100 colors can be saved. It is operated either by keys or software. Variants with Ethernet and PROFIBUS enabl…
Color sensors
Description: The FS-100 color sensor distinguishes many colors, and up to 100 colors can be saved. It is operated either by keys or software. Variants with Ethernet and PROFIBUS enabl…
Description: The FS-100 color sensor distinguishes many colors, and up to 100 colors can be saved. It is operated either by keys or software. Variants with Ethernet and PROFIBUS enabl…
Contrast sensors
Description: These contract sensors have a robust metallic housing in rectangular design with a high protection class. The sensors work with white-light (LED) and detect even the fine…
Optical motion sensors
Description: The OBS optical movement sensors are used for contact-free close-range detection of movements and direction of movement. The sensors have a detection range of 20 mm to 40…
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Web edge control
Description: The sensors in this area are ideal for analog position detection of the web edges of transparent film or paper, for instance. Likewise, printed-on surfaces or heavily ref…
Detection of color or contrast differences
Description: Color sensors of the FS series detect colors and differentiate between them in a manner similar to the human eye. This makes it possible to reliably detect objects with m…
Motion detection
Description: Optical motion sensors are ready-to-install sensors for the touchless detection of movements. The sensors from the OBS series are suitable for the detection of both slow-…
Profile measurement
Description: Profile measurements easily implemented with great precision: Profile sensors from the PS-30 series use the light section method to compare the profile of the checked o…
Inductive sensors
Description: Inductive sensors have stood the test for decades in contact-free and secure detection of metallic objects of various kinds. The sensors from di-soric are maintenance-fre…
Optical sensors
Description: di-soric has an extensive portfolio of optical sensors in various models, light sources and functional principles for process-reliable detection, measurement and testing …
Ultrasonic sensors
Description: The ultrasonic sensors from di-soric are used as proximity switches in automation for distance measurement and for web edge control. They make it possible to detect objec…
Capacitive sensors
Description: Proximity switches for contact-free detection of liquid, powdery and solid objects and bulk materials. Reliable detection of metallic and non-metallic parts even in the p…
Magnetic field sensors
Description: Magnetic field sensors are designed for pneumatic cylinders with integrated magnets. The piston position is detected through the cylinder wall.…
Vision sensors
Description: Our Vision sensors can be operated intuitively and are commissioned within minutes without training. They can be used out of the box, and have extensive software tools an…
Image processing software
Description: nVision-i saves time – not just because of the interface, which is clear, intuitive and simple to operate, but also because of the high-performance tools, which can be op…
Lighting for image processing
Description: These lighting systems are used for contrast amplification in image-processing applications. The product range includes solutions for an extremely wide range of lighting …
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Type (Size)
Language version
Category: Product overview
Filetype (size): PDF (10.99 MB)
Language version: English (EN)
Category: Product brochures
Filetype (size): PDF (3.31 MB)
Language version: English (EN)
Category: Product brochures
Filetype (size): PDF (4.76 MB)
Language version: English (EN)
Category: Product brochures
Filetype (size): PDF (4.12 MB)
Language version: English (EN)
Category: Product brochures
Filetype (size): PDF (1.22 MB)
Language version: English (EN)
Category: Product brochures
Filetype (size): PDF (1.83 MB)
Language version: English (EN)
Title: Label sensors
Category: Product brochures
Filetype (size): PDF (3.22 MB)
Language version: English (EN)
Category: Product brochures
Filetype (size): PDF (2.19 MB)
Language version: English (EN)
Category: Product brochures
Filetype (size): PDF (5.68 MB)
Language version: English (EN)
Category: Product brochures
Filetype (size): PDF (4.5 MB)
Language version: English (EN)
Category: Product brochures
Filetype (size): PDF (4.36 MB)
Language version: English (EN)
Category: Product brochures
Filetype (size): PDF (3.4 MB)
Language version: English (EN)
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  • 83
Inductive proximity sensors
Description: Our INS-100 Standard series impresses with its outstanding price-performance ration in many standard industrial applications. These proximity sensors are equipped with a …
Inductive proximity sensors
Description: Our INS-100 Standard series impresses with its outstanding price-performance ration in many standard industrial applications. These proximity sensors are equipped with a …
Inductive proximity sensors
Description: Our INS-100 Standard series impresses with its outstanding price-performance ration in many standard industrial applications. These proximity sensors are equipped with a …
Inductive proximity sensors
Description: Our INS-100 Standard series impresses with its outstanding price-performance ration in many standard industrial applications. These proximity sensors are equipped with a …
Inductive proximity sensors
Description: Our INS-100 Standard series impresses with its outstanding price-performance ration in many standard industrial applications. These proximity sensors are equipped with a …
Inductive proximity sensors
Description: Our INS-100 Standard series impresses with its outstanding price-performance ration in many standard industrial applications. These proximity sensors are equipped with a …
Inductive proximity sensors
Description: Our INS-100 Standard series impresses with its outstanding price-performance ration in many standard industrial applications. These proximity sensors are equipped with a …
Inductive proximity sensors
Description: Our INS-100 Standard series impresses with its outstanding price-performance ration in many standard industrial applications. These proximity sensors are equipped with a …
Inductive proximity sensors
Description: Our INS-100 Standard series impresses with its outstanding price-performance ration in many standard industrial applications. These proximity sensors are equipped with a …
Inductive proximity sensors
Description: Our INS-100 Standard series impresses with its outstanding price-performance ration in many standard industrial applications. These proximity sensors are equipped with a …
Inductive proximity sensors
Description: Our INS-100 Standard series impresses with its outstanding price-performance ration in many standard industrial applications. These proximity sensors are equipped with a …
Inductive proximity sensors
Description: Our INS-100 Standard series impresses with its outstanding price-performance ration in many standard industrial applications. These proximity sensors are equipped with a …
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